
You Would Cry Too If It Happened To You

Wednesday September 9th

Dear Journal-

Before I tell you who is in my bed right now please let me tell you a little story.

When I went on a camp trip to Canada like ten years ago, everyone had a digital camera, they had just come out and even though their pictures came out pixely and it coast a bajillion dollars to own one, everyone had one. Anyway, so we get to Niagara Falls and we all want a group shot. My group leaders were nice enough to grab all thirty of our cameras and take pictures. Well after twenty shots of them holding the camera away from their faces to see the screen and zoom and focus, they got to my disposable. Henry had a puzzled face. “Wind and shoot,” I called from the crowed. Everyone stared and chuckled to themselves…

So you see, since my mother refused to buy me a digital camera or anything else to bring me into the decade, I was forced to be the kid always behind, never getting what she wanted.

With the new apartment and excitement over catching the mouse and my new friends taking me for tacos and having such a good hair day… I couldn’t help myself.

It’s bad…really bad but…

Oh wait he’s waking up and asking why I’m hunched in a corner writing.

Formerly Brave New Girl

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